Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: port conclusion that the disclaimer is exempt from tax The regulation merely creates narrow exeep tion the otherwise com prehensive scope of the gilt tax ides that if disclaimer is made within reasonable time then (and only then) "does corstitute the making of (26 25 2511. 1(c)(2}} (emphasis addedy disclaimer does not come within the terms of this regulatory safe harbor it is taxahie under the general rule of the regulation (and the statute) that "any transaction in which an interest property gratuitously passed con ferred upon another regardl less of the means 1 te vice employed, constitu ites gift subject to tax (26 C.F.R 25 2511-1c1 Scc Dickman Gommis. sioner 465 U. 334 Congress intended the gift tax statute reach all gratuitous transfers of any valuahle interest n property holding that ...